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Preventing substance addiction in teenagers

Teenagers are a very analytical age bracket that tends to get involved in several adventurous events to satisfy their curiosity. One of the many things they get curious about include substance abuse. They generally get attached to anything that seems new or restricted to their age bracket.

This curiosity of theirs put them at a greater probability to develop various kinds of addiction. A common addiction they usually fall into is substance addiction. Many other addictions often stem from substance addiction in the long run.

Substance addiction is a compulsive neurological attachment that people have to substances like cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, and other regular medically prescribed drugs.

The developing phase of the teenage brain makes it responsive and vulnerable to these kinds of addiction. Substance abuse usually has long-term behavioral and cognitive effects in teenagers.

Substance abuse is not substance addiction. Substance addiction is a step higher than substance abuse. Substance addiction only comes into play when people practice substance abuse repeatedly. Teens find it hard to go back on substance addiction because they suffer severe withdrawal symptoms in an attempt to retract.

To identify substance addiction and decipher measures to prevent them, we must first highlight the common rationale behind why teenagers abuse drugs. A few common reasons are stress, curiosity, peer pressure, low self-esteem, and emotional struggle.

Preventive measures for substance abuse in teenagers

  • Educate your teen about the short- and long-term effects of substance abuse.
  • Ask and listen to their views and opinions concerning the subject matter.
  • Monitor the kind of friends they keep and resent friends that will influence them negatively.
  • Ensure you are not in the act of drug abuse as well. If you are, be ready to tender a valid explanation as to why you take drugs.
  • TV programs, movies, and social media are some critical areas as well. Ensure they are not those that actively promote such activities.

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